XO Safety

Free Confined Space Entry Programs

Businesses with employees who enter confined spaces must have a written confined space permit entry system. We have put together a collection of free publically available templates.

Permit Required Confined Spaces

Permit Required Confined Space Program

This Permit Required Confined Space Program for Construction is from Appendix A of the Construction Workers in Confined Spaces - Small Entity Compliance Guide.

Try the Confined Space Compliance Kit

The Confined Space Compliance Kit contains a confined space safety plan, entry permits, and training for attendants, entrants, and supervisors.

Download Now ●  Free 30 days return  OSHA Compliant

Permit Required Confined Spaces

Confined Space Entry Program

The Occupational Safety and Health Consultation Program from the Texas Department of Insurance authored this helpful program on confined space entry.

Permit Required Confined Spaces

Confined Space Entry Plan

This free Confined Space Entry Plan is from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. It includes a permit template and some useful forms.