Annual Posting of Workplace Injuries and Illnesses

29 CFR 1904.32 requires employers to post an annual summary of the work related injuries and illnesses.

The OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Regulation requires employers to:

  • 1904.32(a)(1) Review the OSHA 300 Log to verify that the entries are complete and accurate, and correct any deficiencies identified.
  • 1904.32(a)(2) Create an annual summary of injuries and illnesses recorded on the OSHA 300 Log.
  • 1904.32(a)(3) Certify the summary.
  • 1904.32(a)(4) Post the annual summary.
Blank OSHA 300 A Form


Download OSHA Forms

The OSHA Recordkeeping Form Package contains the Form 300 Injury & Illness Recordkeeping Log, the Form 301 for Incident Reporting, and the 300A Summary Form. It also includes a set of helpful instructions.


Add Injury Information From Injury Log To The 300A Summary Form

Review Your OSHA Injury Log and add all the cases listed on the form. If there are no cases for a category, enter a zero.


Add Establishment Information

Add your company information to the form. If you do not know your NAICS number, you can use the NAICS lookup resource.

NAICS Manual


Add Average Number Of Employees

Your average number of employees is:

  • Total amount of employees paid in every pay period

Divided By

  • Total amount of pay periods
How To Calculate Average Number of Workers Employed


Add Total Hours Worked

Add total hours worked to the OSHA Form 300A. This information should be as accurate as possible. If you do not have this available, you can estimate it.

Number of Full Time Employees


Number of Hours For A Full Time Employee


Overtime Hours, Part Time Hours, Seasonal Hours, and Temporary Hours

How To Estimate Total Hours Worked In A Year


Get Signed By An Executive

AA company executive must sign the OSHA Summary Form 300A. This person is certifying the information on the injury and illness summary is true and accurate.

Executive Signing OSHA Form 300A


Post 300A Summary Form

The 300A Injury and Illness Summary Form must be posted for employees to review from February 1st through April 30th. It must be placed in an employee common area that is easily accessed by everyone.

Employee Bulletin Board For OSHA Information

Recordkeeping Compliance Kit

Recordkeeping for Supervisors DVD