Regulation Update

Employers with 100 or more employees in certain high-hazard industries must electronically submit their Form 300 Log


"If your establishment had 100 or more employees at any time during the previous calendar year, and your establishment is classified in an industry listed in appendix B to subpart E of this part, then you must electronically submit information from OSHA Forms 300 and 301 to OSHA or OSHA's designee. You must submit the information once a year, no later than the date listed in paragraph (c) of this section of the year after the calendar year covered by the forms."

Applicable Industries - 1904 Subpart E App B

Employers with 100 or more employees in certain industries now must submit injury and illness records directly to OSHA annually. The industry classifications are broad, and will cover a lot of employers. This includes:


  • Farming & Agriculture
  • Food Production
  • Manufacturing
  • Automobile & Boating
  • Retail Stores
  • Amusement
  • Beverage Industry
  • Clothing Manufacturing
  • Metal Working
  • Grocery Stores
  • Transportation
  • + Many More

The OSHA Injury Tracking Application

Employers who are required to submit injury and illness records should do so using the Injury and Illness Tracking Application.